Rave Recovery: Top 10 Tips and Tricks

We've all been there - partied 'til the crack of dawn without a care in the world until about 8 a.m. You then realize you have to pull yourself together for that job of yours, make it to brunch with the Parentals, or just simply start a normal day without glitter. Here's our top ten tips and tricks to make you feel and look your best after having all that fun. Drink lots of water. Shoot for 64 to 100 ounces a day to flush out toxins. Hit play on your favorite Fit Mix and work it out...

KJ Working It

Our friend working the dance floor at a favorite Stompy/SunSet House music party in San Francisco. He rocked a one of a kind, black on black, Fit Mix Trucker Hat...and some serious muscle. Great photo by Steve Han.
Tags: Fit House Mix

Welcome to our new store.

We’re open for business and ready for the holidays. And, we have the perfect gifts for the season. Housing inspired a new line of T-shirts and glow-in-the-dark shrugs. Give the gift of fitness, style, and great music. New gift set with Fit Mix gift card and the exclusive American Apparel® Housing Track Shirt arrive ready for giving in a gift bag and “Let’s House.” city-scape gift tag. And, our hand-crafted Fit Mix trucker hats will be the talk of the club. Make your fit tight. Shop...