September 03, 2014
Rave Recovery: Top 10 Tips and Tricks
We've all been there - partied 'til the crack of dawn without a care in the world until about 8 a.m. You then realize you have to pull yourself together for that job of yours, make it to brunch with the Parentals, or just simply start a normal day without glitter. Here's our top ten tips and tricks to make you feel and look your best after having all that fun.

- Drink lots of water. Shoot for 64 to 100 ounces a day to flush out toxins.
- Hit play on your favorite Fit Mix and work it out.
- Get out and walk at Sunrise and Sunset to help reset your internal clock.
- Stretch your body and calm your mind by doing Yoga and meditating to soothing music.
- Puffy eyes due to lack of sleep are a dead giveaway. The ultimate Raver trick: gently apply a thin layer of hemorrhoid cooling gel under eyes and on eyelids with a ring finger for ten minutes before rinsing it off in a cool shower.
- Hide under eye dark circles by tapping on a small amount of concealer using your ring finger. Use eyeliner or shadow with blue undertones to neutralize bloodshot eyes on cool skin tones and gold shades on warm skin. Smudge a small dot of white eyeliner or shimmer shadow on the inner corner of your eyes to brighten even more.
- Ditch caffeine, salt, and sugar. Stick with decaffeinated herbal tea with honey, warm water with lemon, and electrolyte water.
- Eat lean protein and juice fruits and veggies high in Vitamin B such as kiwis, bananas, and leafy greens.
- Sleep! Get a minimum of eight hours for a few nights.
- Take a multivitamin and pop a 1,000-milligram Omega-3 supplement at every meal.
Rave on.
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